Category Archives: Product Defect Class Actions

Mercedes-Benz Defective Engines

The Katriel Law Firm today filed plaintiffs' motion for partial summary judgment as to liability or, in the alternative, summary adjudication.  The motion argues that the undisputed evidence establishes Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC's liability, or key elements of it, such that the plaintiffs are entitled to partial summary judgment as a matter of law.  The class action…
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Pepsico Class Action Filed

The Katriel Law Firm today filed a First Amended Complaint against Pepsico Inc., alleging that certain of its drinks, including its Pepsi One and Diet Pepsi beverages, contain unsafe levels of a known carcinogen, 4-Mei.  The First Amended Complaint is brought on behalf of all California consumers of these Pepsico beverages, and seeks medical monitoring…
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